Does Embyox have any side effects?

It would be unusual to find that a product with a potent effect - such as stimulating of hair growth - had no side effects, but as Embyox is a 100% natural product, the embryonic cells came from duck embryos, it hasn’t show any negative side effects. The only side effect it had shown is a recovery of the damaged hair.

When should I expect to see the results from Embryox?

Embryox response is different for every individual. Most individuals report that they can see 'fuzz' grow more within the first few months. Some report increased shedding of hairs (this is due to old hairs falling out so new ones can grow). Full hairs may be seen to grow as early as 2 months into treatment, although the full effect of Embyox is usually achieved between 6 and 8 months. Since response is different in different people, you should not be disappointed if you don't see a bunch of new hair after two months. Sometimes it takes 6 or 8 to see good results. As long as you do not seem to be losing more hair after 3 months, the Embyox is probably working and you should be patient.

Has Embryox been tested in clinical trials?

Clinical trials are medical investigative studies in which human beings are the test subjects. Before clinical trials are undertaken, a product has usually been studied in laboratory tests and in animals to determine mechanism of action, efficacy and safety. There are several types of clinical trials but the "gold standard" for unbiased study results is the randomized, double-blind controlled trial (RCT).

In the RCT, study subjects are randomly assigned to a study group or control group, and neither the investigators nor the study subjects and controls know who is receiving the treatment under investigation and who is receiving placebo. Thus, RCTs are "double blind"—both investigators and study subjects are "blinded" regarding who is receiving the investigative drug and who is receiving placebo.

In the clinical trials a significant percentage (over 92%) of people using Embryox reported new hair growth, and the measurements and photographs confirm that. And as surprise 8% of people receiving placebo reported new hair growth even though careful measurements and photographs showed that no new hair had been grown, that is a demonstration of ‘wishful thinking’ a tendency to see what you want to see.

How many DOSIS will be required?

The number of the sessions will depend on 1) the degeneration process stage the hair follicle are in 2) the frequency of use and the time you left Embryox in contact whit the damaged hair follicles 3) the density of hair you have 4) the individual characteristics of the patient, e.g. patient taking drugs as antidepressants or Chimioterapy will require more DOSSES.